What a game this is. Sold ASG after doing some research about it - all the positive rumours were completely unrelated to ASG, they were for rival company VMG. I sold out for a a near sizeable loss then watched as the shares dropped a further 30% this morning. It was a case of history repeating itself for this share, as 3 times in the last 6 months this happened. Anyway I have learned:
- Don't ramp a share
- Don't buy a share with such a small market cap
- Dump a ramped share as early as possible
- Research, research, research!
- ASG is a dog, despite what the others on the BB think!
Not sure what to expect with this in the short term, some steady gains I hope. It all hinges on a Falklan oil farm, and the news from there looks positive. It also doesn't hurt that oil ticked US$108 today either.
As for SEO the longer I hold, the better I feel. It's been really steady the past 2 days and the lead up to Friday I expect it to do the same. It's over .90 now which was proving to be a resistance mark. Short term (>2 weeks) I'm looking to break even with continued gains past a medium term position. You can already see the difference and recovery in the portfolio as of this afternoon:

As for the rest of my watchlist I continue to be enamoured with RIFT oil, it looks like a terrific prospect, and the chart is highly suited for day trading. I will watch that for the next 2 weeks as my capital is employed in SEO and DES for at least that period of time, probably more. RWA, CLI and KLR also have the appearance of money makers.
A lot of my RIFT appreciation is built on a conversation I had with a fellow who works for a company involved with some subsea mineral exploration off the Papau New Guinea coast. The plumes that rise from the highly volcanic geography are full of near pure resources that almost eliminate feasibility studies because of their purity. It's one to watch - even though RIFT are land based there - the impact on the PNG economy could be huge. There are a raft of companies out there at the moment, and politically it seems to have stabilised a little lately.
Further to my SEO research - how good a prospect is the leading biogradable polymer company looking? So good, too good lol. In a business world that is increasingly pursuaded by consumers to be more green, Stanelco can potentially monopolise the market in the UK. Their product can be used for plastic bags, bottles, packaging, nappies etc etc. I mean.. how many nappies do kids use a day.. a week.. a year.. that's a lot of crap that stanelco can turn into cash.
Anyway. What else is there? Oh yeah I've began searching for companies exclusively engaged in producing, refining or researching organic/100% biofuels. I read an article.. that's a lie it was a TV show highlighting impact of the modern world on traditional agriculture. Anyway the underlying message was that biofuels are an essential development criteria for the coming decades. A long term punt on some research could net a great deal of moolah for a BioMW in 30 years.
The question is: With BP/Shell/Random Oil Company making so much money on oil - which company with the facilities or infrastructure is going to spend time and money developing something which might not make much money for the next 30 years? If I was at BP I would suggest taking £1bn (less than 10% of a years profit), buy a million acres of wheat-farmable land and just have a go. Then I'd get sacked lol.
Green is the future, how we make money out of it is the present.
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