SEOs results were out on Friday - no positive movement on the share price though - it's gone down quite a bit. However, looking at the final years results and the interims from last year, their position has significantly changed for the better and it looks like a solid long term investment. There are still a few things to iron out, mostly with their patents, but it's in good stead for the coming years. Obviously I have to gear to long term now, my average price is significantly higher than the current price.

The interims in 6 months time should show some much stronger figures on last year. The plastic bag debate and the budget didn't give it the massive spin I'd hoped for, but oh well.

I bought small into SEY and RWA yesterday. Stirling Energy has been on the watchlist for a while, and it finally gave a buy indication on Friday. I will wait with baited breath on Monday as to whether there is any confirmation. It looks cheap at these rates, and hopefully it climbs over 12p next week. My average cost is 9.661.

RWA is one I have been looking at for a while now. Another small holding at avg of 181.30 (Broker fees are so bad with small holdings!) with some medium term potential. Not expecting much profit or sudden movement here, it's just nice to not have something so volatile in my portfolio for a change.

Bandwagon central this week I guess, bought DES about 2 weeks after I should have. There is a lot of continued talk about the papers about the falkland oil fields at the moment. DES looks to have steadied itself in its current range so bought this on the off chance they strike oil. Will hold until 2008. For the medium term I am expecting downward movement to as low as 40p.

Portfolio now:
  • DES long term
  • SEO long term
  • RWA medium term
  • SEY short term
  • Bonds (snooze)
Overall right now I'm down 25% (SEOs fault!). Looking for steady rises from RWA and SEY with DES too longer. I will wait for the SEO AGM and see what comes from there before contemplating a change of strategy.


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