I keep wondering how the people at CMC are still in business when they continue to regress as a business. Take their new charts as another example of how to not entice business from regular traders. These charts are a total waste of time, absolutely useless.
They have done quite a few things that really irritate me as a trader and a chartist:
- They have re branded their charting to match the look of their spreadbetting adverts.
- They have eliminated third party charting, which is crucial when dealing with a bookmaker. That now means they can wobble the charts in whichever direction they desire.
- You cannot go back further than 4 days on a 5 minute chart!
- You cannot save your technical analysis on the charts.
- Despite a button to open up a ticket, you still cannot deal from the charts.
- The charts take way too long to load, it used to be 1 second it's now about 10
- You cannot create multiple candlestick panes on each window with different indicators.
- The charts are clearly based on some diabolical PDF display algorithm.
It's the move away from the third party (IT-Finance) that really bothers me though, especially given CMCs history of horrific execution and information at critical times during a trade. This now gives them free reign to manipulate all the data they want to. CMC are not a broker, they are a bookmaker - And bookies always win.
That's on top of them saying that their indices don't exactly mirror the real indices as they include what they call "fair value". Which basically means if you do a heap of TA and identify a key area around a big number and go in big, they will stop you out for a loss without your realising that in fact you did get it right, but their real values are off by 4-8 points.
One last thing, they got that guy.. what's his name. He was in Cold Feet and the Yellow Pages adverts. Jim something, he does their web adverts and narrates their training DVDs for the spreadbetting. How ridiculous is that? I mean, I've never met the guy, but I'm pretty sure he is not an elite trader. They're just using his Irish/You,know,what,he,is,almost,likeable,enough,to,be,my,friend,in,London to reel in cash rich punters with nothing else to do during their mid life crisis.
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