Off college today so getting some action.
DES is cooking something up, there's quite a lot of volume in it and it's strong on buys versus sells. It hit what looked like a double top, and I've sold out for a quick £60 profit. The bid price dropped right after I did so it looks like a good move. I'm currently waiting for it to drop for another entry signal, as it might go for a triple bottom and a strong move upwards.
With my money free from that trade, I'm currently watching VPC as it consolidates after a big morning slump, SOLA because it's awesome. I'm also waiting for the US markets to open, so I can try a short term wedge and bounce off EMA on Transocean (RIG) with a price target of around $160.
DES is starting a come back, and we might see some action right about now! Updates to follow.
DES dropping off, SOLA rocketed before I had a chance. I'm 100% sure there isn't another stock in the world that does this every day:
I'm amazed at the people that buy into this kind of movement after it's been going up so long. If I didn't know this stocks past movements I would be staying well clear. It's topped at 490 as the profit takers have moved in, leaving a lot of people in the doldrums soon I think. A lot of sells at 490.
Well I don't know if the world is out to get me specifically, but something ALWAYS goes wrong when I want to get into a trade.
I was sitting watching DES and SOLA on L2, both had just triggered buy signals before my L2 stopped working. Shortly after that I couldn't connect to my brokers website, and shortly after that my router stopped working and my internet dropped out. Then my computer crashed.
Suffice to say that DES and SOLA have now both rocketed as I checked the prices on my phone, and I'm stuck writing offline on notepad waiting for my connection to come back. It's Saturday morning syndrome as this is the same kind of thing that happens on Saturday mornings with my internet. When this happens the only sites I can access are google and yahoo - and the speed is about a quarter that of dial-up so you can understand my frustration.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the lazy council workers sitting around smoking fags in the diggers around the corner. It's currently 15:40 and I've been down for about an hour and a half but looks like I'm getting a connection to blogger... ok maybe this will post after all. My brokers website is still not working, which does not surprise me in the slightest.
What I really don't understand is that I can search on Google, Google returns the search results/descriptions/links - but then I can't connect to any of the websites.. how does that work?
Well just tried again with my computer, and all I can access is blogger, google and the US yahoo website. Very frustrating. Still can't check my broker to place orders, or prorealtime for some set-ups for tomorrow, or any news sites or forums for extra curricular research. Anyway this is what I got earlier in the day when on Quotestream through my broker:
Also from what I can gather, SOLA closed at 520 after I spotted the reversal double bottom at 457. Could have made the easiest £500 of my life but it's over with now so nothing I can do about it. DES seemed to close around 95.5p after dropping to 91.5p which would have been my entry signal.
I'm really not sure what's causing my internet to stop working just when it matters, but I can only assume it is fate. As for tomorrow, I have no set-ups at all to trade because I can't do any research. VPC looked OK earlier, but I have no clue how it did during the day. SOLA and DES could be plays as SOLAs earnings are out tomorrow, and DES is looking to break to new highs if it passes 96p.
Realistically I'm only a trade or two away from being able to open an Interactive Brokers account, so at least I have that to look forward to!

DES is cooking something up, there's quite a lot of volume in it and it's strong on buys versus sells. It hit what looked like a double top, and I've sold out for a quick £60 profit. The bid price dropped right after I did so it looks like a good move. I'm currently waiting for it to drop for another entry signal, as it might go for a triple bottom and a strong move upwards.
With my money free from that trade, I'm currently watching VPC as it consolidates after a big morning slump, SOLA because it's awesome. I'm also waiting for the US markets to open, so I can try a short term wedge and bounce off EMA on Transocean (RIG) with a price target of around $160.
DES is starting a come back, and we might see some action right about now! Updates to follow.
DES dropping off, SOLA rocketed before I had a chance. I'm 100% sure there isn't another stock in the world that does this every day:

Well I don't know if the world is out to get me specifically, but something ALWAYS goes wrong when I want to get into a trade.
I was sitting watching DES and SOLA on L2, both had just triggered buy signals before my L2 stopped working. Shortly after that I couldn't connect to my brokers website, and shortly after that my router stopped working and my internet dropped out. Then my computer crashed.
Suffice to say that DES and SOLA have now both rocketed as I checked the prices on my phone, and I'm stuck writing offline on notepad waiting for my connection to come back. It's Saturday morning syndrome as this is the same kind of thing that happens on Saturday mornings with my internet. When this happens the only sites I can access are google and yahoo - and the speed is about a quarter that of dial-up so you can understand my frustration.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the lazy council workers sitting around smoking fags in the diggers around the corner. It's currently 15:40 and I've been down for about an hour and a half but looks like I'm getting a connection to blogger... ok maybe this will post after all. My brokers website is still not working, which does not surprise me in the slightest.
What I really don't understand is that I can search on Google, Google returns the search results/descriptions/links - but then I can't connect to any of the websites.. how does that work?
Well just tried again with my computer, and all I can access is blogger, google and the US yahoo website. Very frustrating. Still can't check my broker to place orders, or prorealtime for some set-ups for tomorrow, or any news sites or forums for extra curricular research. Anyway this is what I got earlier in the day when on Quotestream through my broker:

I'm really not sure what's causing my internet to stop working just when it matters, but I can only assume it is fate. As for tomorrow, I have no set-ups at all to trade because I can't do any research. VPC looked OK earlier, but I have no clue how it did during the day. SOLA and DES could be plays as SOLAs earnings are out tomorrow, and DES is looking to break to new highs if it passes 96p.
Realistically I'm only a trade or two away from being able to open an Interactive Brokers account, so at least I have that to look forward to!

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